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The Terror Wiki

Admiral Takahashi was an admiral with the Japanese army during World War II.


U.S. forces led by Sergeant Crittenden and Colonel Stallings were engaged in a conflict with Takahashi and his men in Guadalcanal during World War II. When Crittenden went missing, he was suspected of having been captured by Takahashi and his forces. He was eventually discovered at Giant's Door, in bad shape and muttering phrases in Japanese. Chester Nakayama, a translator with the group, suspected that he may have been possessed by the yurei Yuko Tanabe. Later, a group of Crittenden's soldiers set Crittenden upon Chester, thinking that he would attack him. Crittenden, however, instead grabbed a flamethrower and roasted his fellow soldiers, leaving only Chester alive. When Chester asked him why he had done it, if it was because of the yurei, he told him, in Japanese, "I serve Admiral Takahashi." ("The Weak Are Meat")

The U.S. forces eventually captured one of Takahashi's men, his First Lieutenant Tetsuya Ota, as a P.O.W. Although a trained interrogator was unable to get any information out of him, he told Chester Nakayama that Takahashi was born on June 7, 1894 in Sendai. ("Shatter Like a Pearl")

Behind the scenes[]
