The Terror Wiki

Charles Osmer is a minor character in AMC's The Terror. He is the purser on HMS Erebus.

In The Show[]

Osmer appears as a background character at various events throughout the show, including Sir John Franklin's speeches to the sailors (Go For Broke, Gore) to having dinner with Erebus' officers (The Ladder). He is seen briefly in episode 2 when Sir John asks him to tell Richard Wall to prepare an early dinner for Lieutenant George Henry Hodgson and his men returning from searching for leads. In episode 6, he is mentioned in a conversation by Cornelius Hickey and William Gibson about him moving empty crates, canned food, and more supplies with John Irving for Carnivale. He is not seen again after episode 8 so it is likely to assume he was killed by the Tuunbaq during its attack.

In The Book[]


  • An engraved gun case belonging to Osmer was recovered from Victory Point in 1859.
Purser Charles Hamilton Osmer

The Real Osmer
