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The Terror Wiki

Esperanza was a teenage girl.

On The Terror: Infamy, she was portrayed by Melina Alessandra Cermeno.


She and her family were traveling by car through New Mexico, when they encountered Luz Ojeda walking along the road, carrying the baby Henry Nakayama II. Unknown to them, Luz had been possessed by the yurei Yuko Tanabe, who was the grandmother of the baby.

Tanabe hopped from Luz Ojeda to Esperanza. She then killed Esperanza's parents and forced Esperanza to take her to the shack where she had been hiding out. She returned to her own body and Esperanza stumbled away, encountering the Nakayamas - Chester, Henry and Asako - telling them that she "didn't do it," that "it was the woman with the baby." ("Into the Afterlife")
