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The Terror Wiki

Father Ysidro was a Catholic priest.

On The Terror: Infamy, Father Ysidro was portrayed by Francisco Trujillo.


Father Ysidro officiated the wedding of Chester Nakayama and Luz Ojeda, a small, private ceremony held in a barn dressed in the trappings of the church. He successfully completed the ceremony and told Chester that he may kiss the bride. ("My Sweet Boy")

Chester and Luz called upon his services after learning that Luz had again become pregnant and the yurei Yuko Tanabe was after the baby to claim it as her own. He prayed over her and otherwise aided the family. However, despite the trust password set up by the family, Yuko Tanabe was able to possess him and gain entrance to the house. They were forced to attack him and knock him out in order to try to keep him from Luz. ("Come and Get Me")
