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The Terror Wiki

George Nicol was an agent of the U.S. government.

On The Terror: Infamy, George Nicol was portrayed by William MacDonald.


Following the distribution of the Statement of United States Citizen of Japanese Ancestry at the Colinas de Oro War Relocation Center, a Japaense internment camp, Nicol came to round up any residents of the camp who had answered "no" on questions 27 or 28 of this loyalty questionnaire. The first question asked if the respondent would be willing to enlist in the U.S. Army if called upon, while the second asked them to forswear any allegiance to the Japanese emperor. They were to be sent to a high security internment camp. Ken Uehara, who had been rousing people at the job against the questionnaire, needled him, telling him that his children would be ashamed of him. Nicol promised him that his "no-no boys" would be well taken care of and noted that he had answered "yes" to both questions. He left, leaving Ken to realize that his girlfriend Amy had secretly changed his answers to those questions. ("Shatter Like a Pearl")

He later worked together with Amy, reviewing sponsor applications to be released from the Colinas de Oro, filling in temporarily for Major Bowen, who had been called away to Washington D.C. ("My Sweet Boy")

After Major Bowen was murdered and thought to be missing, he took his place in announcing that the Colinas de Oro War Relocation Center was being closed by order of the United States Supreme Court. He stated that the Japanese American citizens there were being repatrioted, but that they were still expected to demonstrate their allegiance. ("Come and Get Me")
