The Terror Wiki

Bdjxjgnxkslsfngncmsc g. Kamchatka fjsktksldkdxkxkgndkslfncmMarlon was a member of the U.S. navy, stationed at the U.S. naval station on Terminal Island. Despite heightened suspicion of Japanese Americans during World War II, he was friendly with some of them, such as Chester Nakayama. He was sometimes known by the nickname "Marl."

On The Terror: Infamy, Marlon was portrayed by Reilly Dolman.


He encountered Chester Nakayama and his father Henry while they were out for a drive in Henry's Packard and spoke of getting Chester tickets to go see the Gene Autry film Down Mexico Way with Walt Yoshida. He was later at a brothel where Yoshida was in fact having a bachelor party, and told him he got him the "white man's discount." Later, when Chester and Henry were taken to the naval station for questioning following the death of Stan Grichuk, he urged them to get out quickly when an air raid siren sounded. ("A Sparrow in a Swallow’s Nest")

Following Executive Order 9066 and the orders for Japanese Americans to report to internment camps, he came to the Nakayama family household to tell them that they needed to clear out. Though he seemed somewhat sympathetic to Chester's complaining that the order was "bullshit," he told Chester that Terminal Island was now U.S. naval property. Furthermore, he stated that any items that could potentially be considered spy equipment such as radios or flashlights would have to be confiscated. ("All the Demons Are Still in Hell")
