The Terror Wiki

Sergeant Crittenden was a sergeant with the U.S. Army during World War II.

On The Terror: Infamy, Sergeant Crittenden was portrayed by Josh Hudnuk.


Sergeant Crittenden went missing without explanation during a mission against the Japanese Admiral Takahashi in World War II. As translators, Chester Nakayama and Arthur Ogawa were assigned to find any information which might lead their unit to Crittenden.

Chester and Arthur are sent out to the field, where there are dead bodies from a skirmish in the muck. Chester is made to get into the muck and examine the bodies, where he discovers Wabun code on one of the belts. The soldiers are chastised for not doing a more thorough search and forced to get back in themselves and find anything that might be of use. Three days later, Chester discovers something important in one of the documents found: "I left my unit in a ravine near a cave natives call 'Giant's Door'. They said the devil's camp was a kilometer due east. I waited till nightfall to make my way there. There were two devils in the tent. They were too absorbed in their work to notice my arrival." Sergeant Crittenden is discovered at Giant's Door.

Sergeant Crittenden turns out to be a jibbering wreck. He lays bloodied and muttering the phrase in Japanese "You are a devil. A white devil. We kill white devils." Chester, believing him to be an undead spirit, a yurei, tries to get more out of him. He says, again in Japanese, that "The weak are meat. The strong eat."

Crittenden with Flamethrower

Crittenden roasting his fellow soldiers

One evening, a group of the soldiers approaches Chester, saying that he shouldn't be out, that they might have mistaken him for the enemy. Seeing Crittenden with him, Chester asks what they are doing, that he shouldn't be out. They set upon him and beat him, then turn Crittenden on him, thinking that he will attack him. Instead, Crittenden grabs a flamethrower and roasts the soldiers alive, sparing only Chester. Chester's commander, Colonel Stallings, finds only him and Crittenden alive. Chester asks Crittenden again if he's a yurei, and what it is that he's done. Crittenden again repeats in Japanese "Kill white devils." Chester asks him if this what the yurei told him to do, and he replies, in Japanese, that he serves Admiral Takahashi. ("The Weak Are Meat").

It is unknown if Sergeant Crittenden was possessed by Yuko Tanabe or was severely brainwashed. Furthermore, his fate is left ambiguous following the incident.
